"You must do the thing you think you cannot do" Eleanor Roosevelt
What a quote...one of my favorites, for this chicken little of a girl from SC. Quoted by a woman that clearly did many things she probably never fathomed. I can be quite fearful of a lot of things, and so Sunday night, I dove head-first into one of them.
For the first time in a looong time (and I mean long), I attempted to write a song with two of my dear friends. We have been discussing the act of writing for a long time, and I always find a reason to push it back.
It scares me to death, its like standing in front of a bunch of people with your underwear on..people you don't know, that you particularly don't want to be seen by in your underwear either..and the underwear is probably not the best ones you own. Yep, that sums it up perfectly...
So, we ate and visited and then retired to the living room, and then he pulled out his guitar, and she pulled out her computer, and I braced myself for the shots from the firing range..I started to sweat..(I don't sweat unless I am working out really hard). And then we started talking and he started playing, and we started CREATING..and it was joy and passion and it felt wonderful. Because, as my crazy friend Billy says, "we create because we were CREATED"
And the beauty of it was...I forgot about being scared. I let go of my fear, and afterwards I felt lighter, and whole, and I could feel God smiling down on me, saying "that's my girl". What feels better than that, knowing your Creator, your Father is looking down on you and being pleased, because you left your fear behind and lived in what He CREATED you to do, even if it was just for a moment?
And it's Tuesday, and I was one big ball of anxiety today...work, stuff, etc., it all gets to us, it gets to me. And we FEAR...and push back the things that we are CREATED to do.
But, I want to continue to exist in the passion of what I was created to do, which is many things, but most of all, it is to live my life without fear. With courage, and PASSION...LOTS OF PASSION. Because passion cannot be manufactured, people. And believe me, it is contagious and easily recognized, and it draws others in, like a moth to a flame.
What do you think you cannot do? You probably CAN do it..give it try.
And if you are scared, I will stand beside you in my underwear too..
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