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Twitter / tiffanyjohnson_

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I am simply amazed at how powerful social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter have become. Just recently, a event that I was planning used Facebook for the promotion, and we also bought an ad in a local magazine. The ad was not what drove in the traffic for the event, Facebook did. It is free, easily accessible and widely used by ALL.

Social networking is more than that, though. Oprah Winfrey released a statement that holds alot of truth "Did you see me? Did you hear hear me? Did what I say mean something to you? That is what everybody is looking for". It is true. Through outlets such as Twitter and Facebook, people can put themselves out there, they feel that they are heard.

Daily, I read something on these sites that inspire me and enrich my life. Yes, there is stuff that doesn't add anything to my life at all, and silly stuff that just makes me laugh for a minute. But I have learned more about people programs, and causes in the last year through these networks. I also realize that I have a voice too. And there are people who care about what I post, or what I say. My little voice matters too. It actually is very humbling and rewarding when someone responds to a post.

Get on the social networking train, people...It's not going anywhere anytime soon....