This is not a deep, insightful blog, I just wanted to list a couple things in life that make me smile and make me happy. We are entering a time of year that gifts are given and received, and sometimes the things that mean the most are not in boxes and bows, but given other ways....
1. MY KITTIES...I have two babies, Sassy and Fancy, when the weather gets chilly, they get EXTRA loving, my favorite is early morning when they cuddle with me and I can hear them purring...This is love...
2. I have to take a BATH...there is NOTHING like a hot bubble bath with the phone nearby in case I need it, and a Coke Zero....HEAVEN. This seriously helps me sleep...and smell better.
3. A NIGHT OUT WITH A GOOD FRIEND. There is nothing like going to the mall with one of my girlfriends or out to dinner...talking and laughing over a good meal or while looking at the newest handbags ...coming up for air while we talk a million miles an hour. Having moments where we bond deeply, or moments where I am laughing SO hard I almost pee my pants....LOVE IT!
4. PERFUME...I have always loved it, I love all the different notes of a fragrance and the power scent has. A single smell can make me remember so much (The smell of Coast soap makes me think of my Daddy). Currently, I am loving Gucci perfume, and I love, love, love the smell of Johnson's Baby Lotion.
5. COFFEE...year round is my favorite, but especially right now, there is nothing like a warm cup of coffee when it's cold outside.
6. WAYNE...My sweet, crazy man. My friend, my love, my support....I love when we hang out, when we play cards...he is a sore loser. I love to be able to join in the awesome things he is doing for people with Soles4Souls...he makes me so proud and I am in awe of the amazing things he has accomplished. I love how much he loves people and cherishes relationships. He makes me laugh over the silliest things...he imitates me and it is hilarious and also frightening if I really sound that way. He shows his love for me with his actions...not just his words.
7. MY ROOTS...no, not my hair, but where I am from. My little small town, Paxville, SC. All my aunts, uncles and cousins....the fact that I had such a special network of people around me as I grew up that instilled so many things in me like love, family, fellowship, hard work, my faith...just to name a SMALL few.
That's it for now. There is more where that came from, I will blog some more later on...Have a great THANKSGIVING!
Ello! What a sweet blog! :)
YOU are one of my favorite things!!!
Hey, I will post a pic of me and you when I get them downloaded. I felt so bad last night b/c I had no pic to put up. :(
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