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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Push Through

This week is a busy week for me. And a very special one. After being on this earth for thirty-plus years, and literally being able to see several of my dreams come to fruition, there is another one that will happen this Thursday night. Not only was I blessed with the support from Soles4Souls and their CEO Wayne Elsey to be able to complete my CD, Scuffed and Simple, but I will perform it live at The Listening Room Cafe, June 3rd at 6pm to celebrate it's release. It is free and open to everyone.

And my band for the night is a group of people who are some of the dearest to me, they are all volunteering their phenomenal talents as well, which just really overwhelms me to the point of tears. And my Momma will be here, and my dear friend Leann from South Carolina, as well as the folks who will come out to listen.

And I look at this time in my life, and literally think, it is MY time. And there are things about it that are right, and things about it that are wrong, or better yet, not the way I envisioned them to be. But nonetheless, that time is here and happening for me, and I need to enjoy it and relish it and celebrate it, thanking God for every moment.

I think that has always been the hardest for me-the pushing through. I would rather just close my eyes and let the storm pass while I am under the covers. But God never lets that happen to me, He strips the blanket off and puts the cloud right over my bed. But he usually sweetens the deal with an incredible rainbow at the end, or a flower that blooms because it was watered. And when I do push through, and embrace what I am dealing with, instead of wishing it away, I am always better, stronger and more complete because I DID push through. But it doesn't mean it is easy, it is NEVER easy. Anything worth HAVING in our lives is NEVER easy.

So, if you come Thursday night, know that you are helping one of my dreams come true. You will hear some stories, stories about the songs and about the journey, and I know 100% you will feel the love coming off the stage, and I believe you will see God too, because HE was and IS all over this. And that makes me the most fulfilled and satiated when I think of the whole experience.

And wherever you are, whatever you are going through, around, above or beneath-push through. Even when it is hard, and you are tired. Push through it.

"There has never been the slightest doubt in my mind that the God who started this great work in you would keep at it and bring it to a flourishing finish on the very day Christ Jesus appears" Philippians 1:6 The Message

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