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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Deep Thoughts by Tiffany Johnson :)

I am very lighthearted at the moment and I realized it is time for a bloggie-blog. A couple of things to to talk about and then I am off to bed.

1. GO SEE "THE BLIND SIDE". Now. In the theater. GO. GO. GO. Not only is the story incredible, and TRUE. The acting is too. And it leaves you inspired, and ready to put yourself out there in an "inconvenient" way, which is usually the best thing that could happen to any one of us.

2. What is up with men that are with their families, wives, etc. all googly eyed over other women? I am far from the supermodel, but I got that look tonight as he was in tow behind his wife and two kids. And I watch men looking at other women too. Listen, I know you're not dead, but you're also supposedly committed and in love. So, respect your partner enough to AT LEAST be subtle and don't say someone's HOT in front of your lady either. NOT GOOD. It makes me sad.

3. I recut drums for my CD yesterday with Dan Needham. He wins the "Mr. Congeniality" Award for my CD project. Not only is he A-FREAKIN-MAZING, but he is a crackup. I laughed so hard my head hurt when I left, but I left with some kicka&s drums. :)


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