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Monday, February 14, 2011

To Love Yourself...

I used to think it was very self-absorbed to hear people say that you should love yourself. I believe in Christ and I guess I've always felt like if I loved myself, then I wasn't adhering to Jesus's teachings, because he tells us to deny ourselves and take up His Cross and follow Him, and to love Him first, and then our neighbor.

But, I have come to realize to truly love yourself is what God would want anyway. He loves us, He made us, and we are His Creation, and we should love what He has created and ordained. So, to love ourselves is to love God, in many ways.

There are moments that we will feel truly loved by many. And there are moments where loving ourselves will bring great comfort, because we will feel as though no one else truly loves us. In those times, we have to be love for our own heart.

And I am realizing that the better we love ourselves, the better we can love others.

So, what am I really saying, "It is OK for you to love YOU"

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