In honor of my (ahem) 35th Birthday, I decided to make a list of items that are "candles" in my life, points of light that burn bright in my heart and life, whether it be a friendship, good cup of coffee, or a defining moment forever living in my memory. So, here goes, and of course, they are not in order of importance. WARNING: some will be very poignant and some of them may be ultra shallow...but still, they have made me happy or given me joy in some way.
1. Leading Worship at Hopepark and offering that gift up.
2. Making my Momma pee in her pants.
3. Going to the register only to find that the clearance is an additional 25% off.
4. Kneeling in front of someone and fitting them with a new pair of shoes for Soles4Souls
5. Meeting my soulmate someday.
6. Being around the house when the Today Show comes on and being able to hear the theme song and watch the opening credits.
7. Making a baby smile.
8. Getting random texts or letters from people in my life, near and far. It's like a butterfly kiss.
9. Dreaming about my future and what my story is left to be.
10. A great cup of coffee from Starbucks.
11. Hearing my friend Tami laugh.
12. Hot Wings...VERY HOT WINGS.
13. Looking back and seeing how something difficult in my life has made me grow....
14. Days when my Bible Study is a DIRECT correlation to my present circumstance. When God does that, I am always floored.
15. People who humbly share their story with authentic passion.
16. Paxville, SC Sunsets
17. A letter from Leigh-Ann McCune that she wrote to me when she was a teenager.
18. When my furbabies snuggle with me when it's cold.
19. My true-blue friendships
20. A really good pair of jeans (True Religion)
21. Serving in Shoe Distributions side by side with Wayne
22. The Zodiacs
23. The smell in the air when fall is just around the corner.
24. The first time I hear a really great song.
25. How I feel after I have served another person...the absolute best.
26. My Mom's Chicken Tenders, Gravy and Cabbage
27. Nude Lip Gloss
28. High Heels
29. Magazines
30. Finishing Well.
31. Singing "Jesus Never Fails" every night of the Truth Farewell Tour
32. Seeing someone I love happy
33. Chicken McNuggets
34. Having Peace.
35. Anticipating what is yet to be...
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