Wow! I have not blogged lately, life has been a little busy!
Next week, I head to Haiti for Soles4Souls, July 7-11, 2010, with 8 other individuals and I am very excited and aware that parts of my life will never be the same after the experience. I have been on several mission/relief trips and I leave each time more impacted than I have probably impacted others. It is the beauty of a trip like that. Your take away is often more than what you give.
And in light of that, I wanted to share an unbelievable experience I had this spring. I had the opportunity to be a part of some of the biggest evangelistic crusades January-May, 2010. I participated in 3 of them, and I often wondered why the opportunity had come into my life. It definitely drew me out of my comfort zone, but I know NOW without a doubt it was to meet Jesus...
In March 2010, I went to Phoenix for a three day conference to be a part of the worship team. Before I left, a dear friend prayed that God would send me something very special, and speak to me there.
I remember her words "that it would be something just for me, from God". So, of course, I am on the lookout in Phoenix for God to speak to me, through the messages, songs, etc. During one of the day sessions, we were singing at the end, and I looked out into the crowd of around 5000 people and saw a young boy on the shoulders of his father. His hands were covering his little face, and when he moved them, I saw that his face was very disfigured. He barely had slits for his eyes and his nose.
My heart just throbbed for him.
I knew his parents had come probably for him to be prayed over and hopefully healed, and no one was praying for him. I hoped to find them in the crowd afterwards, but I couldn't.
A group of us went to lunch and then I headed back to my hotel room for a short nap before the session that night. I left the restaurant early and as I walked out, there was the little boy with his family.
Wow, the chances of that first of all! I had to go and meet them.
I walked up and his Mom recognized me from the crusade. We began to talk, and she shared that they had driven many hours to come, and although they were hoping for someone to pray for their son's healing, it didn't happen. His Mom said "it just wasn't God's time". She was so peaceful about it and calm.
I asked if I could meet him and I got down on his eye level, and met him, face to face.
His name was Jesus (of course, pronounced Hay-Sus). He was nine years old and barely the size of a three year old, and as I said "hello" to this sweet little child with such disfigurement that I wanted to cry, the unthinkable happened. He reached out, and put both of his tiny hands on either side of my face, and leaned in to me, pressing his forehead against my forehead.
It was a holy moment.
I opened my arms to hold him, and he leaned in to me with such love in a hug that I was not prepared for. And he didn't let go. In fact, I picked him up, and he wrapped his little legs around my waist and began to hug me and pat my back, as if I was the one who needed hugging.
His Mom was a little shocked, "He doesn't really do this normally..." But it was fine, more than fine, with me. And for about five minutes, I spent time with Jesus.
He smiled, and we hugged some more, and I talked with his family, and just held him. And he held me. And when it was time for me to go, it was hard to get out of his little embrace.
And I left that restaurant and just walked back to my hotel in a daze. God HAD given me something so tangible in that moment. The love from that little boy was so powerful. Even in his weakness and condition, he was so powerful, God was so powerful.
It was so overwhelming too, that God sent His love to me through a little boy named
I write this because I know next week I will hold lots of little "Jesus" boys and girls, and embrace "Jesus" men and women.
People that are hurting, abandoned, forgotten.
They will surely give me more than I will give them.
But, in the end, we will give each other the most important gift: Love.